Attendance Office


Secretary Name

Phone Number

Grade 10

Mrs. Joy Varela

(717) 506-3661

Grade 11 & 12

Mrs. Cindy Hooven

(717) 506-3662

All grades

Fax for doctor's notes

(717) 506-3777

Student Absences

Each day a child is absent from school for any amount of time, parents/guardians should complete the Attendance tile in the Family Skyward app or Family Skyward. The tile may be completed in advance or on the day of the absence. Additional forms are needed for College Visits, Educational Trips, and Career Visits (see below).

After absences have occurred, parents have 3 days to submit a note from the parent or a health care provider. Without proper documents, the absence(s) are unexcused. Parents should submit notes using the Skyward Family access tile. Doctors may fax notes to the attendance fax.

Early dismissals

Parents should submit early dismissals in Skyward at least 1 day in advance to avoid delays in the student's release from class. The time entered is the time students are released from class. Add 5 minutes for your child to get to you once they leave class.

Students must sign out using the clipboard in the MAIN OFFICE or the GRADE OFFICE NEAREST THE WEST STUDENT PARKING LOT before leaving the building.

Please note: For the dismissal to be excused, provide a note from the appointment.  Please submit doctor's notes using Skyward.

Tardy to School

All students arriving late must sign-in at the attendance office with a note. Tardy notes from doctor and professional appointments are always excused. Parent notes are accepted based on criteria set forth by the state and CVSD.

Career Visits

Students are allowed 2 career visit days per year. During your visit, have someone from the organization complete the “Career Visit Form.” The form is the excuse for the student, and should be submitted to the Attendance Office once complete.

College Visits

Students are allowed 2 college visit days per year.  During your visit, have the “College Visit Form” completed by officials of the college, university, or tech school. A business card from the school official should be attached. The completed form and business card is the excuse for the student, and should be submitted to the Attendance Office.

Educational Trips

Students are allowed 2 educational trips per year, totaling no more than 5 days. Please submit requests to your grade level Principal one week before the start of the absence. No trips are excused the first or last 10 days of school or during state-mandated testing times.

Withdrawing from CVHS

Students who withdraw from Cumberland Valley High School should be aware:

  • If moving within the United States, the new school will need to contact CVHS via fax (717) 506-3625 with their release forms to officially withdraw the student from CVHS and have the appropriate records sent.

  • If moving outside the country, please send an email or letter to the student's counselor and/or call the High School (717-506-3627 or 717-506-3626) directly.