Argus - Yearbook (Grades 9-12)

What is Argus?
A mythological being with many eyes, some of which were always open, known as a zealous watchman:  a vigilant guardian, observant. The 2025 yearbook staff will attempt to be zealous watchmen capturing the events of 2024-25 and turning them into a book of memories for students, parents, and staff. 

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24 Argus
Yearbook Order Link

2025 Argus - CVHS, CV9, and CVVA (Grades 9-12) Yearbook 
Thank you for placing your order for the 2025 Argus (Grades 9-12)! We have a limited number of books from our reserve that can be purchased online on a first-come, first-serve basis. Once we sell the reserve copies the order system will shut down. Don't wait, order today. This is the last opportunity to guarantee a book for your student.

We will receive a few extra books to sell at school after all the books that have been ordered are delivered. No reservations will be honored from our extras

Place your order today by clicking on the order link at the top of our page or by calling 1-800-944-5930

CVHS Yearbook Tradition & History

A gallery for you to explore past Cumberland Valley yearbook covers.  Enjoy! 

CVHS Yearbook Gallery

Gregg Lucas

Gregg Lucas | Business, Computer, IT Department Chair
Yearbook (Argus) and Student Store (Eagle Emporium) Advisor

Cumberland Valley High School | 6746 Carlisle Pike | Mechanicsburg, PA 17050
p: 717.506.3514

Shaun Bollinger

Mr. Shaun Bollinger | Art Teacher
Photography & Visual Communications / Yearbook Advisor

Cumberland Valley High School | 6746 Carlisle Pike | Mechanicsburg, PA 17050